Couple O' Crabs in Camden Yards

For what seemed like the first time all season, the Orioles had an home during the weekend! We jumped on Seat Geek (their sponsorship of The Bill Simmons Podcast Network must be working). And when I say "we" I mean both of us bought a pair of tickets. Classic miscommunication! 

But first, a quick detour: On Friday night we walked out of some forgettable restaurant and into a little establishment called Puppies! That was the name of the store! And they even sold puppies! HUGE MISTAKE! We fell hard for the coolest fanciest French Bulldog of all time. Unfortunately we left in pure devastation for the following reasons:

  • She would have looked down on Draper for having muggle parents 
  • Our apartment lease agreement only allows for one dog
  • It seemed like it would have been a rash unplanned life decision
  • Oh, and she cost $3,846 (roughly $641 per pound) 

Peggy from Robert on Vimeo.

Pickle's Pub

Back to the fun part of the weekend! Saturday, we drove into the city Ben Eiden Style (6 hours prior to first pitch) so we had some time to kill. And this wouldn't be a Crabicurious post without us ingesting crab meat in a unique and opposite-of-healthy fashion. Pickles Pub, described as an "Orioles Game Day Institution" is located a few blocks from the stadium. To get the full experience we went with the crab meat and cheese covered Pickles Pretzel! I can think of no better way to start off a 90 degree day in the sun.

Baltimore Crushes are quickly becoming a Mrs. Crabicurious favorite

Pickles Pretzel pictured above. Not sure what the "P" stands for. 

Crabicurious Rating: 4.5 crabs out of 5!

Seadog Inner Harbor Boat Tour Gone Wrong

Okay, only 5 more hours until kickoff... we started walking toward the harbor and saw a kiosk for a river boat tour of the city. We thought we could gather some good trivia bits for when people came in town. Our tour guide, who called himself "Brown Sugar" used to hang around with Jada Pinkett Smith (allegedly). We saw where Francis Scott Key (the greatest rapper of his time according to Brown Sugar) wrote our nations anthem. 

The trip was going great UNTIL all of the sudden smoke started billowing from the back and the captain forced everyone to the front of the boat. I was worried what might happen if my camera got wet, why I didn't get the insurance on the lens I rented for the weekend, and for the safety of my wife, and of course not in that order! 

Coolant had leaked into the engine so: tour over, back to shore, full refund, memorable experience. 

Orioles v. Blue Jays

After one more round of crushes, it was finally time to make our way to the game. Camden Yards was the nicest sporting facility I've seen: Cool brick accents and buildings everywhere, super clean, lots of different foods. We enjoyed some ball park dogs and watched our O's get the W. Only a billion more baseball games left in the season, so it was good to get this important win! Below are some shots from the game sans Leslie's narrating charm... but peep the sick 3-4-3 double play at the 24 second mark... WEB GEM!


Check out some other stuff we've been up to: