Our Day in Hershey PA

Leslie finally made the trip to her Chocolate Mecca. Butterflies, chocolate rivers, and singing cows, Hershey World seemed to have it. Will Team Crab eat themselves into a sugar coma? Find out in this week's Crabicurious Production:

Fuji X100F Review

Plot twist - this whole trip was a ruse to stop by a Pennsylvania Best Buy to buy the X100F

By Robert Rixman

Some (Leslie) have spread libelous proclamations that I am one to enjoy buying and returning electronics. That's False! And I aimed to prove it after weeks of research on an intriguing camera. As a semi-professional photographer (while technically way "in the red," I did recently make my first dollar shooting so Imma call myself "semi-pro" now) I'm always looking for the perfect tool to harness my art. 

After watching 100+ YouTube videos reviews, it seemed that I found just that in the Fuji X100F. And wouldn't you know it, I had just returned a new Macbook so I had money to spend. That's how it works, right? I mapped out the trip, walked into Best Buy and bought the X100F. 

It combined beauty and discretion as well as performance and presentation. As a non-invasive shooter, I could pull this bad boy out and take that picture of my Tacos Al Pastor with comfort. Had I finally found the perfect camera? Could I throw this receipt away? At $1,377 after taxes I'd have to sell one of my other cameras to justify the purchase. Would this be a better option for us than the a7ii or a6500? Here are some sample shots and additional thoughts that led me to my ultimate decision.

Shot on the Fuji X100F:


The 23mm (35mm equiv) focal length is a good flexible focal length for most situations, which is a good thing because its fixed, meaning you can't change the lens and can't zoom in. This shot taken at f2.0 shows the decent bokeh with nice sharpness.


Very nice colors and some cool "film simulations" like this one taken with the CLASSIC CHROME simulation.I enjoyed these, but I like editing in Lightroom, so that's not a make-or-break feature for me.


Uh oh. Here is where things get dicey. Not as strong as my a6500 in low light and really soft at f2.0 at close focus. Compounded by the really bad auto focus in low light, it has a triple play of sadness in this category.


If Leslie's not into it, then I'm not going to get to be in any pictures. And Leslie didn't like shooting with it. She especially missed a tilty screen.


The physical dials are fun, but its hard and uncomfortable to hold on to after more than a few minutes of walking around. 

The Verdict

I returned it.