Planet Iceland

Leslie and I jumped on a WOW Air flight to Iceland to meet up with living legend Nico Norlinger, a friend, a groomsmen, and human being voted most likely to lose his passport (he lost his passport), for a few days before our leg in Denmark. 


Our 5 hour 50 minute direct flight departed BWI at 7:00PM meaning we arrived in Iceland at around 5:00 in the morning local time. We took a quick nap and waited for Nico to make the 10K walk from the bus station he got off at too early. 

Even the air above Iceland is stunning

Our Airbnb in Iceland

Nico calling the airline to locate his passport. Classic Nico!

With the tank already on E, the plan was to get the lay of the land in Reykjavik on Saturday and grab some food. If you are ever in Iceland, go to Grillmarkadurinn (Grillmarket), which serves authentic Icelandic farm to table cuisine. We opted for the tasting menu to get the full experience. It was quite possibly the best meal I've ever had. They may have earned the first ever 6 crabs out of 5. Not pictured, but we also had whale for the first time which tasted like ultra-tender teriyaki chicken. 

Bread and butter with lava salt. LAVA SALT Y'ALL! 

The Great Dane imbibing with a chili cocktail

Leslie's basil gin cocktail

Sliders made with cute cuddly Puffin, the national bird of Iceland. Leslie devoured those poor Puffins! 

Free round of cocktails since they had us move tables... Deal! 

Some kind of grouper or flounder or something

Steak and Mushrooms!

Best course of the night goes to this lamb and the three different sauces to dip in. 

No tasting menu is complete without a tasting dessert plate.

Leslie's weapon of choice: a knife made of dark chocolate

We also spent time walking the streets of Reykjavik: very touristy, but beautiful. The seemingly most famous point in the city is Hallgrímskirkja, a church and the sixth largest man made structure in all of Iceland (pictured below). 

The Golden Circle spans hundreds of miles around Iceland and is home to many famous natural landmarks. A 45 minute drive in any direction results in vastly different landscapes and attractions. Some tourists jump on a bus and go from site to site, but we opted to rent a car! First stop on the Golden Circle was Þingvellir (Thingvellir).

Sick Citroen Berlingo bro, does it come in orange?! Nico, don't you hate it when Citroen asks you to be a model for them every time you go to rent a car? I hate that too. 


Into the wild we go

Þingvellir is a rift valley in Southwestern Iceland. Fun fact -  this national park as well as may other areas are very common movie filming locations. Þingvellir was the backdrop for Arya and The Hound's storyline as well as other "beyond the wall" scenes.

Probably not the last time I'll have to save this guys life

A few miles away, we found another national landmark: Geysir, an active hot spring. Every few minutes, boiling water would shoot in the air. Surrounding Geysir were several other smaller hotsprings oozing steam into the air from the Icelandic ground. 

Everyone lined up to get the shot. 

A football field's length away was a nice rocky hill to peer down into the valley and at Geysir

Another short drive and another stunning landmark; Iceland's most famous waterfall called Gullfoss. Pictures and video don't really do this one justice, so you're kind of out of luck on this one. 

Team Iceland

This guy climbed through the fences to get the shot. TEACH ME!

After a day of driving the Golden Circle and with the weariness of travel still with us, we decided to relieve our aches and pains in the Blue Lagoon. This geothermal heated spa is rich in minerals like silica and sulfur, which apparently are good for skin. The experience was soothing and interesting, but probably not the most memorable part of the trip. 

The highlight probably came right after, however, when we began our hunt for The Northern Lights. Nico had learned of a few spots where we'd have a good chance of seeing them, so we drove up the western coast of Iceland trying to escape all man-made light. Don't tell Sandy Hanlin, but we took some gravel backroads up a mountain and found a very dark location to see the dance of charged particles. 

They looked a faint grey color to the natural eye, but even a short 5 second exposure on a tripod revealed the brilliant green colors. These pictures were based on a projected intensity of 4 out of 9, so we are really interested to one day see a 9 out of 9! 

This one was totally not staged. Just a natural organic picture.

The following morning, we got right back to it, jumping in the Berlingo and this time heading North. The first stop was Hnappadalur, a valley shaped by glacial movements and volcanic eruptions. The scene really did look and feel like the surface of Mars for those of you who have been there. 


Next up was Ytri Tunga Beach, the destination for seal watching! They were too far away for our cameras, but our eyes witnessed a small group of seals playing (or mating) in the warm summer sun. Warm for Iceland anyway.   

And this one could be yet another planet.

I don't have any fun facts about this one. We stumbled upon this site on our way home from site seeing and couldn't help but stop to take in the beauty and the magic. The water itself was a hypnotizing deep dark blue. We also met some locals: local Icelandic goats.  

A lot of GOATs in this picture

This GOAT jumped the fence to see us... I'm sure he got back to his family though...

And finally.... if the pictures weren't enough, here is a video to capture the beauty of Iceland set to the theme of Interstellar. It is meant to be enjoyed with the volume on high! Stay tuned for a full recap of Denmark next week.

Looking for more from Crabicurious? Checkout some of our recent posts: 

The Road

12 days, 3 flights, 8 hours on a bus, 4 cab rides, 5 different beds, 22 PowerPoint presentations, 10 exceptional meals, and about 250,000 calories [I honestly don't know what punctuation goes here] That was August 7th - August 19th. And it got off to a great start when I showed up at the airport 8 hours early on accident. Anyway, while my brain no longer recalls most of the highs and lows of the 12 days, I did get a few SHOTS to look back on:

Day 1 was spent in National Harbor, a place that apparently exists near Washington DC. Leslie and I rolled down there to check out Louisville Legend and Chef Edward Lee's southern style restaurant called Succotash, which called for the white dress pants!

The accents were brick, the lighting was Edison bulb, and the cocktails were supporting brands that put food on our table so yeah... we loved it. Leslie got the ribs because they were on the menu and I got a burger with pimiento cheese. Succotash gets an immediate vote into the Crabicurious Hall of Fame

Crabicurious Rating: 5 crabs out of 5

There was other stuff to do in National Harbor, but all I remember was that it was 103 degrees and I was wearing pants. 


Days 2-5 were spent in the Windy City were they also have food and cocktails. Imagine that! The highlight of the trip was definitely the Wrigleyville rooftops, watching the Cubs while eating hot dogs and nachos (and a chicken sandwich). It probably ruined watching baseball in any other way. My job is hard sometimes... #WeAreWR


Days 6-10 were spent in The Greatest City in the World, Louisville, KY. Got to catch up with friends (shouts out to Ben (somebody tell Ben he got a shoutout since he doesn't read the blog)), celebrated Terry Goes Favre's birthday with the whole crew (Happy Birthday Dad!), and met 100+ new colleagues from all over the world at Global Orientation (I'm new here). Memory starts to get really fuzzy at this point as the trip started to get long. 


Day 11 and 12 had some Nashville downtime! I didn't want to be the guy on Broadway taking shots between shots, so it looks like all I got was this picture of the hotel atrium. Compelling!


Finally the trip ended, but on a high note as I got to see the small town that is responsible for every drop of the world's number one whisky. It was awesome! My top 2 learnings: 

  1. The trees around the distillery actually turn black due to alcohol in the air that attracts a special kind of mold. 
  2. The current Jack Daniel's Master Distiller once almost shot my dad during a pheasant hunt...

You made it to the end! In the unlikely scenario in which you want more, check out some of the latest from...  BRYSON, who judging by this prime real estate plug, must be an incredibly valuable member of the Crabicurous staff... no matter how much he tells Philip that Robert doesn't promote his work!

Chef's Table: The Curious Crab

On this week's episode of Chef's Table, Co-chefs Robert and Leslie Rixman and Sous Chef Draper Dog seek the prestigious "5 crabs" from the culinary powerhouse publication 

Crabicurious Rating: 5 crabs out of 5

Inspiration being... 

For more from Crabicurious, check out the following: 

Hangin' with the Herdes

So its been a few weeks since vacation and Leslie and I have been on that grind resulting in crickets from Apologies that Draper is too lazy to put pen to paper even once. This past weekend we were able to get back to bloggin' basics: pictures and seafood, this time with support from the Herdes! 

We (me from NYC and Leslie from Bmore) met Mom, Dad, and Phil just outside Boston where Uncle Mike and Aunt Nancy would host us all for the weekend. Here are a few of our favorite memories:

A Game of Kings

By Robert

It wouldn't be a Herde gathering without some good old fashioned card games (cue Leslie slowly and silently melting into the walls so nobody can find her and make her play). Anyway, the game of the day was Hearts! 

"What you guys want to play Hearts? Okay I'll give it a shot." Might be a good time to remind everyone the things that I am best at on this earth, in order:

  1. Hearts 
  2. Being Humble (jk) 
  3. Fifa 
  4. PowerPoint
  5. Making wraps
  6. Uncontested right handed layups 

NOBODY TOLD UNCLE MIKE THOUGH!!! Here he was laughing it up with a mere 23 point lead with one hand to go, bragging to the whole table. If anyone doubts that I shot the moon on the next hand should refer the list above. 

The High Seas

By Leslie

I've always wanted to go sailing. I've been on plenty of boats but never sailing. The Herdes provided an opportunity, on their gorgeous Concordia sail boat, Grace!

I was very excited. We reached the boat and got the grand tour. I was loving it. I was taking pictures and enjoying the sites. We sailed and it was magnificent. Absolutely relaxing. The wind was gently blowing through my hair as the sun warmed my skin. We enjoyed a lovely picnic and listened to stories of Uncle Mike's sailing adventures. We reached a point in our journey were we experienced difficulty turning and thats when things started going wrong.

My stomach turned over and I was overcome with the feeling of nausea and not to mention a blistering headache. I kept silent not to ruin anyones fun and remained focus on breathing as to not vomit all over Grace. Luckily, the group reached an agreement that it was time to turn back and it was then my beloved Bob notice my seasickness. He reached out for help. All we could find were these blue wrist bands that supposedly helped with motion sickness. I was a little skeptical, until not after a few minutes of wearing the bands I experience relief. My headache was gone and my stomach felt at ease.  

Yet another vessel for me to be sick on, but at least it was a beautiful one!       

Champagne Campaign

By Robert

Another highlight of the trip was our anniversary brunch in Uncle Mike and Aunt Nancy's stunning dining room with crepes and champagne. A mere 364 days prior I stood in front of 275 friends and family and one balling Best Man and married my favorite person in the world. Pretty crazy that its been a year already and pretty cool to celebrate on this day! Thank you Aunt Nancy!

Leslie's Dessert Day

In one day:

  • Sugar Crepe
  • Farm chocolate milk 
  • Farm Ice Cream 
  • Key Lime Pie 
  • Birthday Cake 
  • Cookie from Sarah's bakery 

Good day. 

The Classic Herde Lobster Feast

By Robert

If any of you are lucky enough to stay at the Herde Hingham Hotel, you might get the classic Herde lobster dinner. It starts at the lobster pound, and it ends with a full stomach. Might have to rename the blog Lobstercurious. 

More Pictures

We got into plenty of other fun things. Philip caught all the Pokemon. We saw Sarah at work. We walked the streets of Boston as we searched out classic Italian food in North End. We ate at an awesome outdoor restaurant called the Barking Crab in Seaport. Here are some of our favorite pictures from the weekend. 


Boston Weekend Doc

Is this a throwback-never-ending-blog-post?! With all the leftover footage I wanted to have an ode to our Boston trip. The Soundtrack includes some Boston classics. 

Daufuskie Vacation Documentary

Don't really have words to describe the week... hoping this video does it justice. Thanks to Phil, Sandy, Janie, and Mike for putting on this great gathering in Daufuskie!


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