Draper Gets Giardia

Atta Boy! 

Our Draper stocks are crashing harder than Twitter these days (nice topical joke Rob!). By that I mean he has found a new way to be a lovable financial drain on our estate. This time it was by inviting Giardia into his system. Giardia is a protozoan parasite contracted by ingesting infectious offspring found in contaminated food, water, or other dog's poo... (some of Draper's favorite things). 

It all started when we had some awesome weather and thought it would be great to get to know our local state park by hitting the ole hiking trails. Patapsco Valley State Park. Of the 170 miles of trails we maybe reached 5 miles. However, those 5 miles were gorgeous...plenty of photo opportunities from waterfalls to tall magnificent trees. Not to mention dogs for Draper to bark at and parasites for Draper to ingest. He loves a good parasite though for real! 

By the end of our 3 hours of nature, we were dying of starvation and thirst and our dog was sick. Yes I am an Eagle Scout.