The Tale of Two Cameras

It was the best of times, it was the annoying-ist of times, it was the age of camera reviews, it was the age age of foolishness,...we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way— right into the arms of another camera
— Charles Dickens (kind of)


Robert has taken up photography. He is quite talented. But with this new hobby (that he is great at) comes with a new obsession for cameras. His first obsession: the Olympus PEN F.

For four long months, every night and every morning, and every moment in-between was filled with the sounds of countless reviews on THE Olympus PEN F. Its a gorgeous camera indeed. This was a stunning tribute to the original Pen Series of Olympus cameras updated with today's technological advances. All Bob would want to talk about was the vintage design or the full HD video or the 1/8000 of a second shutter speed. Our weekends almost always included us venturing to nearly every Best Buy in a 20 mile radius looking for this camera to test drive.  

After months and month of reviews...finally... he took the plunge and bought it. 

I was assigned to immediately pick up this package upon its arrival. Although it didn't much matter since the moment Robert heard his new camera had arrived he resolved his work day and scooted on home before I could even return from the club house with the brand new camera. Robert was more excited for this camera than he was to receive his new car...

Naturally, Robert did not waste anytime opening the box... nor did he waste time TAKING IT BACK!... Thats right, after maybe an hour hanging out with the camera and MONTHS of reviewing videos about the Pen F he took it back.     

The picture above was taken with the Pen F. One of the few....

But before moving forward we must go back: Robert and taking things back - Bose headphones, Surface Pro 4, his very first camera. Robert looooooves taking things back. In fact, I'd say he get a little giddy when he has the opportunity to return an item!  

Anyways, back to the Olympus Pen F. He took THE Olympus PEN F back...only to purchase the Sony A7 ii. One I didn't even know he was interested in.  But this one stuck and he is incredibly happy with this purchase. And luckily for me, this marks the end of the era of Olympus Pen F reviews and videos.